Pimp my logo v2

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • fyoucher10

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    Logo animation ideas:

    - Starts off with top perspective close up 1st person view looking at a watch on your own wrist (like your looking through your own eyes). The watch has a lot of parts moving in it, like one of those crazy Seiko watches (or like that one movie studio intro, can't think of the studio name right now but it's the one with all of the machine parts moving, gaskets, etc that close with a door). The clock hands are moving backwards. The background is a night time setting. You're at your desk at night, it's 3am in the morning, you have a clock on your desk, all you see are the numbers. Your monitor lights are giving off a slight haze to everything, most things are in silhouette. Starts slowly zooming into watch. Zooms into watch, showing more layers of moving parts. More parts are being made as you're digging deeper down. Finally you get down to the bottom (this is where the logo build will be). The current moving parts start morphing into 3D shapes that will eventually morph again to build each letter in my logo. Each letter of my logo is rotated randomly in 3D space. Camera starts moving around these letters as they begin to morph and rotate into the final state of the logo. Setting is still dark. You still see silhouette's and a slight haze on everything. Camera zooms back a bit to show logo in full, begins zooming into the logo again. Behind the logo are more moving parts. You're zooming through corridors of moving parts. Finally more light is seen. It's the back of the watch's hour and minute hands, like you're looking from inside of the watch out to the outside world. The scene slowly begins to get lighter and you begin to see a silhouette of a face and see the eyes a bit. The camera exits the watch and rotates around. Now the camera view is from the first person again. You're looking at your watch. It's 9am in the morning. Your desk also shows the time as 9am. Your monitor shows your email with 30 new emails. The phone rings.

    So basically it's night time when you first look at the time. You're zooming into the watch. Zooming back out of the watch. And when you're out again, it's the morning and you have a phone call. Like you got lost in time from working too many long hours.

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