Casey Heynes

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Amicus0

    @ BusterBoy. Not such a joke for either of these kids. Seems like they've both had pretty unhappy experiences with bullies.

    I think schools really need to review the way they deal with these situations. Bullies laugh at their victims, because they know the schools won't do much about it and the victim will get the same punishment anyway. The punishment is usually suspension which is often exactly what the bully wanted anyway.

    Give them some sort of community service including some 'hard labour' relative to their maturity.

    Schools also need to have a no tolerance or three strikes policy for verbal or cyber bullying. All students that have been accused of bullying should have to undergo counselling and sign some form of non-bullying contract.

    Victims should also be given classes to help them cope with the emotional and physical abuse. Self Defense classes such as a non contact karate or other martial art and even more importantly classes in verbal defense to defuse a bullies taunts before they get too far.

    We teach a small amount of Verbal Defense in our karate classes and aim to build kids self esteem so they are less likely to be targets.

    • just give them knives and to the victor go the milk bags.ThePublics

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