
Out of context: Reply #20

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  • nb0

    Exercise is good for your organs, helps increase metabolism and will give you more energy, all which will help to lose weight. On the down side, it's hard work. You actually have to do it.

    If you are in fact "fat" you can lose weight without going to the gym every day. You just need to adjust your diet. In my opinion, it's much easier to change diet than work out. You just need will power.

    Weight loss is simple math, there is no magic.

    3500 calories = 1 pound (0.45kg)

    If you want to lose 1 pound per week, you need to intake 3500 calories less than you burn. This means you need to burn 500 calories more than you eat PER DAY. If you're consistent, you can double this to 1000, dropping two pounds per week. Most people say you shouldn't try more than that. And consistency is best.

    A 500 calorie per day deficit is easy if you are currently eating poorly. (If you are fat, I assume you eat relatively poorly. If you're eating super healthy every day and still getting fat, you should see a doctor immediately.) It's much, much, much more difficult to exercise yourself to a 500 calorie deficit. If you don't believe me, plug your workout and diet into a calorie counter and see.

    The bottom line: if you don't change your diet you will not lose weight. It's too difficult (unless maybe you're a teenager.)

    Use a calorie counter and don't cheat. I used www.fitday.com for the first few weeks once I decided to lose weight, just to get an idea of what was wrong in my diet. Some things will surprise you. Even when I thought I was eating super healthy, I was making a few choices that were totally screwing up my ability to lose weight. For example, I would make a raw vegetable sandwich on whole grain bread, but I would put a little mayo (a little can't hurt, right?) and a slice of cheddar (cheese is dairy so it's ok, right?) and I thought I was being so good and everyone should congratulate me on my awesome meal. Mustard has no calories. Mayo has tons. Cheese is mostly fat and salt, and you don't NEED it. A glass of milk is a better choice.

    Paying attention to your caloric intake will help you learn which foods are safe, and which are making you fat.

    The hard part is maintaining the 500 calorie deficit EVERY DAY. If you cheat and go to McDonald's one day, it can waste the past three days worth of hard work.

    Keep at it, and be glad you have a wife that thinks you are not fat, even though you probably are.

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