Content Managed Sites

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • sparker0

    asp bad.

    there really isn't a need to build a cms from scratch, especially since you've never done this before and also because you don't know what your time frame and budget are yet.

    i suggest checking out these links, mate:

    one of the best (built in perl)

    a list of open-source ones:

    here's an 'reference' site about cms's:

    you might also want to look at it is the system that runs slashdot.

    if built correctly, there is no reason why the presentation layer of the site can't be well designed, visually and graphically.

    but, it is true, this is the type of project that requires a focus and understanding of information architecture, workflow and usability. if you just slap something together it will most likely fail.

    planning is more important than production in this case...especially if this is a largescale userbase - such as a large, internal corporate site.

    this could also be a good time to cut your teeth on proper web design and development techniques using web standards.

    large content driven sites require speed and effecient design to preform their best. valid xhtml/css design would help reduce bandwidth, improve search engine optimisation, etc.


    good luck with it. my first major project ever 6 and half years ago was this exact thing. i fucked it up so much that it taught me exactly how important function and usability over pretty looks is.

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