Smartphone help

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    ive been whoring smartphone forums recently, geek style, deciding what to get next.

    "-- Is a high end smartphone, be it iPhone4 or HTC Evo or whatever that much better than iPhone3 or a lesser Android?"
    im still on an iphone 3gs, and its fine, i prefer android, but i wouldnt upgrade to an iphone 4 personally. its camera is good, but not much else on it interests me.

    Ultimately its what you prefer, android or apple or windows phone.

    Android is very customisable, its open source so they let developers do as they please with the operating systems, which means there are many 'flavors' of operating system to choose from. It also has flash content on web browsing. Really easy to copy music vids and apps to to android, just plug it in, no drivers needed, drag and drop.

    Apple isn't open source, they like you to do thing thier way, so they are no way as customisable as android devices, but for most people this isnt a problem at all as many people like the interface. No flash content on web browsing for apple devices. Have to use itunes to transfer content to the iphone (android is drag and drop onto the sd card)

    Pick up an android phone, pick an apple phone, pick up a windows phone, see which you prefer. If you like to have full control over your phone, installing what you like, changing os etc go android.

    if you prefer apple iphones, get one of those.

    Dont write off windows phones because they arent popular, i had a go on one and thought it was great, really nice interface.

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