This is not porn

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • mg330

    The thing I really like about this site is that most of the photos are such a perfect candid representation of people not having a care in the world. and there's something about still photos from movie's being filmed that captures the actor outside of the person they're playing. They always seem to look happy; they always have this "man life is great" face. And all the photos with various celebrities together, it puts it in this frame of being amazed that so-and-so hung out together if even for a night. Marlon Brando and Michael Jackson?

    There's this element of most of the people in the photos feeling really fucking lucky to be who they are. It's like a photo album of this massive fraternity of celebrities and people we would never have the privilege to know.

    • yeah, nail on head. It's a view into a society we wouldn't otherwise get to see.epigraph
    • well said mg33.sureshot

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