Tablet/Apps fad

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • Miguex0

    What you need to understand is that tablets are in it's own category, between laptops and smart phones, once YOU make that decision, everything is smooth sailing from there.

    The reason so many manufacturers are jumping on the tablet wagon, is because there is a HUGE demand for it. The vast majority of people don't need a mac book pro to check facebook that is ridiculous, people started to realize that and think, ok, this thing does email, does facebook, it doesn't cost as much as this:…
    and has the same capabilities.

    I was just reading today that smartphones sales just went over the roof making it a worldwide choice over laptops, more people buy smartphones instead of laptops, so the market exists.

    Now, the subjective part:
    I always thought, man the ipad is such a piece of shit, is like an iphone that won't fit in your pocket, maybe I still think the same way, but when you compare it's price over a laptop (with equivalent user experience, that is) why would you make the decision to buy a mac book pro, just to show of to people when you can do the same with an ipad, for less many and more wow factor? in the end, you are only going to use it for facebook and email right?

    Don't think of it replacing a computer, but instead a device less powerful that does only the bare minimum at a more economic price.

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