Out of context: Reply #73

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  • caspar_v0

    i am a big carson fan & owe him a lot - he's who got me doing design in the first place. however i can't deny that i feel very odd about this new magazine and fear greatly for how it will turn out.

    maybe it's just that deep down i too realize he doesn't seem to have developed his style on any significant level in the last 10 years. that said, i think his HUCK and LITTLE WHITE LIES cover designs (both used and unused) were striking and vital in a way so many magazine covers just aren't any more. he reminded me once again what i loved about him so much originally - that he is very happy keeping things raw, uncomfortable and abrasive. to the point where i find it very difficult to swallow at first, but then soon after fall in love with how unpretentious and exciting it feels in the face of everything else out there.

    if nothing else, carson provides a great counter-point to the often very sober, formulaic, repetitious and restrained design that dominates magazines, blogs and other outlets right now. which isn't to say i hate that design (hell, i create a lot of it myself), but it does make me smile and appreciate carson for simply being that alternative (still), that i can refer to to remind me to stop always playing it so safe, to remember to put more of myself in the work and to stop being so scared to try new, uncomfortable and off-kilter new directions.

    so yeah, let's see how this magazine turns out. i'm not a huge fan of the design of the website either, but as we've noted it's not actually carson's design. carson himself does appear to be back on the scene though, working on big magazines again. he's also lending his talents to the likes of BOSE, the DALI museum and a wealth of unusual book publishers.

    my subscription has been paid, and i'll enjoy revisiting this thread when magazines are hitting doorsteps.

    in the meantime -


    figured some of you might enjoy this group i setup a while back. RAYGUN is still, to date, the best magazine i've ever had the pleasure to read.

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