The End is Near

Out of context: Reply #42

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    WTF sweden! stop trying to steal out thunder!

    terrorist attacks and now this!? enoufg is enough

    STOCKHOLM – Officials say about 50 birds have been found dead on a street in Sweden.
    Veterinarian Robert ter Horst says the cause of jackdaws' deaths was unclear but that fireworks were set off near the scene Tuesday night.
    The birds were found dead on Wednesday.
    Ter Horst says cold weather, difficulties finding food and possible shock from the fireworks could be responsible, leading to the stressed birds either dying from the stress or being run over by vehicles.
    Five of the dead jackdaws found in the city of Falkoping were being tested.
    Mass bird deaths aren't uncommon.
    In the U.S., New Year's Eve fireworks were blamed in Arkansas for killing thousands of blackbirds, and a few days later power lines likely killed about 450 birds in Louisiana.…

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