QBN Younguns

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • orrinward0

    'I know that it's easy to get intimidated by all the well-aged 30-somethings on this site that shoot down anything that's too hip or fresh for their outdated style.'

    The thing is, style is permanent, trend isn't. I've not seen any of your work so I can't comment but I find most of the feedback given on work to be good feedback dressed up in some sarcastic and childish remark. If you overlook the sarcasm and childishness (something that comes out all too easily on the internet) then you'll find good, well-founded ideas.

    The childish nature of your posts is what's drawn ridicule, not people being discriminatory against you because of your age.

    I'm 22 and I seem to get by fine. It's maturity and personality that draws the hate, not your age or ability to design.

    Scroogeken and Stone Coker have been the 2 funny cases lately where they have come to this site as new users, told everyone that their shit is awesome, not listened to peoples responses and instead just turned it into an argument, and then been caught out as frauds.

    You've had some attitude thrown back at you because you've been a bit of an idiot. If you be less of one, people will be less arsey back.

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