Famous QBN quotes

Out of context: Reply #75

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  • mydo0

    Dear Uber,

    How was your March? I know you had so much on your plate, and I just was curious how you were doing on a few of the inquires you made.

    Have you picked a christian sect yet? How'd everything work out with that Rip Taylor look a like who accosted you in the airport? Did you get that Jesus Fish sticker for the back of your car? Are you still taking those crazy pills while trying to figure out that whole cops dashboard camera thing? Any more confusing spam in your in box? How many Londoners did you get to agree to meet up with you for some mash? How many ladies checked in with you on whether sleeve tattoos were cool? Did you get all your moutain biking questions answered? Did you find out how many Chicago peeps were on jollycorks? Still feeling proud about that whole werewolf weight thread?

    I know you're such a busy guy with all these questions on your mind everyday. Did you figure out what celebrity would be your best romantic match? I hope you do get married by 40 to some hot 29 year old, but I hope by then video games no longer make you dizzy. I know you were also deeply perplexed by the fashion industry, I hope you have found some answer that has put your mind at ease. I know running that QBN census thread must've taken alot out of you. Have you met anyone else who is equally charming and naturally good looking as yourself? I did see that you inquired to such in a thread. Oh have you bought a XBox yet? Or figured out who Major Nelson was?

    Did you find satisfactory answers in your quest to find out how tall everyone else is? Must have been quite a daunting project. I enjoyed your deep thoughts on why Rene Zellweger is, as you say "not fuckable". That was Pulitzer material. Did you figure out if your wireless connection was compromised? Are Mac batteries still a mystery to you? And not quite up to your Zellweger thoughts, your statement about Scarlett Johanson being a "butterface" were mad deep. I hope you came to some closure with the realization that you may or may not be an actual Jonas Brother.

    Did you figure out what you're going to do with your government bonus yet? Anybody else let you know how much they enjoy their Nintendo DS? Any more thought about finding a girlfriend in Seattle, in case you have to move there? I hope God has blessed you with the deep question you had about The Mark of Cain and Mormons. That would keep me up at night. Hey, how far did you get into that Dale Carnege book? Did you finish it?

    And remember when you asked if anyone else was baked? That was a good question. Did you make the transition successfully to MS Expression? Did you get that April Showers chick to give you a golden shower yet? Any progress on the To Do list for August? Did you find out who met Rosario Dawson at that party that time?

    Did you have that sit down with your sister to discuss finding her gay porn stash? Did you figure out what cntrl+option+command+8 does on a mac yet? Are you still feeling like a wannabe hipster artist after your purchase of a Moleskin notebook? How's that Zippo and your smoking habit coming along? Did you buy your sister that Porsche? Any feedback from anyone using Lightwave?

    I hope you made some significant progress in finding others who had hamsters at work. Any more conclusions about living in Japan, and whether you would rent or own there?

    I must say, you certainly do alot every month. I don't know how you keep up.

    Good luck in all your quests next month. May I suggest that it seems like this forum might not give you all the answers you seem to be seeking, maybe elsewhere on the internet might be a more suitable fit for your given needs.


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