Bye Flash :(

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • twokids0

    It's an old story. As technology becomes more widespread via smartphones and tablets, the overall quality will decrease.

    Flash, which is entirely dependent on processor power, will naturally not be able to deliver what it did on dedicated dual core processors. Smartphones and tablets wont be able to deliver that speed. So yeah, all those interesting interactive flash things that people did will be gone and it will take years for smartphones to get as fast as what dedicated computers can do today.

    It's just the reality of it. More usage, lower quality.

    Look at video. It used to be that people worked super hard to make pretty video at the highest possible quality and in their view, the quality would get higher and higher. In some ways this is true, but only if you want a limited audience.

    What actually happened is that video became more widespread than anyone could have imagined, but much of the quality would horrify the people that care about those images.

    Now, with basic resolution to be whatever a smartphone can deliver, it again will become even more widespread but with, for the most part, low quality.

    There must be a maxim about this somebody made up, because it has been happening for decades.

    • This is a good point...there is a "gap" in support that will occur for many years...ukit
    • Paradoxically providing the space for alternatives to Flash to get their foot in the doorukit
    • Major interactive things in Flash I do right now when I make iPhone/Android apps and it runs great..Boz
    • By next year, we will have completely full DirectX, OpenGL, Open GL ES2, fully hardware accelerated Flash runtime (for AIR and Flash Player) with full low level 3D api..Boz
    • runtime (for AIR and Flash Player) with full low level 3D api.. You won't be using HTML5 properly by at least 2012 and it's already ancient.Boz
    • it's already ancient. If you missed the latest developments Flash/AIR is EVERYWHERE.. Android, Blackberry, WP7, tvs etc etc..Boz
    • But I guess it doesn't matter to you ukit.. you uinstalled it.. good luck with all that.Boz
    • I was kidding. Sheesh. I am considering click to Flash though.ukit

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