Chaos Scenerio

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 39steps0

    ah, it's in the rest of the first chapter -

    Can you hear it? In the distance? It’s a crowd forming — a crowd of
    what you used to call the “audience.” They’re still an audience, but they
    aren’t necessarily listening to you. They’re listening to each other talk
    about you. And they’re using your products, your brand names, your ico-
    nography, your slogans, your trademarks, your designs, your goodwill,
    all of it as if it belonged to them — which, in a way, it all does, because,
    The Art and Science of Listenomics  17
    after all, haven’t you spent decades, and trillions, to convince them of
    just that? Congratulations. It worked. The Great Consumer Society
    believes deeply that it has a proprietary stake in you. Remember New
    Coke fiasco? Epic “fail.”

    really interesting stuff. I'm doing a thesis on the future of consumer behavior - based on "the revolution" of the internet. but am trying to collect as much opinions/information on what other people are predicting - no point reading business books from the 80s that are sitting in the library .

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