netflix canuk

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • d_rek0

    US here.

    My only real complaint about netflix is how severely lacking they are as far as new releases go. And by new releases I mean movies that have been out for at least a month. It seems as if netflix is low-man on the totem pole when it comes to new flix out on dvd. And getting brand spanking new ones to stream instantly - forget it.

    Outside of that - which if you don't mind doing a little searching for all those gems you might have missed over the years - netflix can be a very rewarding experience. I've probably got 20-30 titles on my instant queue that i've been slowly wading through, not to mention getting dvd's of older sci-fi / action flicks I missed over the last decade. All in all it's worth the $8/month.

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