Tate Modern

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • lukus_W0

    I think this is really clever - I like it a lot. Wish I'd gone to see it earlier today. Conceptually, it works on so many levels .. food - industrial production - China's place in the world - our link with Chinese workers - the bond between Chinese workers - the creation of artificial landscapes / foodstuffs / artefacts - links with historical crafts - the power of crowds. The ideas that come to mind are pretty limitless.

    The fact that people can interact with it (in a similar way to the Sun exhibit) is great. I was wondering what would happen about people taking mementos - but I guess this is part of the scope of the concept too.

    • Just the fact that people have to walk over the fruits of these workers' labour - is a powerful metaphor in itself.lukus_W
    • like the one i feel when i walk on my marble floor? labor is what laborers do.neowe
    • mate, it is conceptually great, but for some readon i reckon it should also be visually attractive. maybe my mistake.maikel
    • the thought of looking into a sea of others efforts while they receive no credit is a turnoffneowe
    • I don't think art always needs to involve aesthetics - I can see why you might think that .. but I reckon conceptual art can provide just as much as a pretty image. Beauty is a concept - step out of that arena, and other concepts will naturally become more relevant.lukus_W
    • provide just as much as a pretty image. Beauty is a concept - step out of that arena, and other concepts will naturally become more relevant.lukus_W
    • become more relevant.lukus_W
    • i see your point. i always thought of tate as a museum of visual arts, but now and again i see the concept...maikel
    • ... being more important that the visual outcome even in visual arts. i guess i'm oldschool, yomaikel
    • @maikel - hehe - conceptual art isn't new art as idea is pretty old school in itself - where have you been?fadein10

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