type leading question

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • 5 Responses
  • orrinward0

    'leading' is the line height - The vertical space between each line of a block of text.

    It means:

    When the text is between 6 and 15pt in size, your leading/line-height should be 1.3 times that value.

    When the text is between 16 and 30pt in size, your leading/line-height should be 1.2 times that value.

    When the text is 31pt or above in size, your leading/line-height should be 1.1 times that value.

    • Sorry if this seemed patronising and it's what you were asking...orrinward
    • For some reason I thought you didn't understand leading, rather than the format they've given instruction to you.orrinward

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