Project Management...

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • mg330

    You guys should stop by my office... we'd get our asses kicked if we were that lazy/clueless as PM's. I'm a project manager, our company builds websites for law firms, along with several other marketing technology services like blogs, email marketing, contact management, etc. Some of us have different skills than others, but luckily those of us with an actual background in web design or development can be responsible for a decent amount beyond just client communication. All of our requirements gathering with clients happens at the PM level. In fact, some of the time it's frustrating when I DON'T have access to certain things that I could update on my own (CSS mostly), but it's a pretty tightly run ship and developers do dev work, designers do design work and we don't typically have access to what they do. Dev work is the last thing I'd want my hands in here; our CM system is our own and all sites are based. It looks like a hurricane of files and craziness.

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