Coalition of the Willing

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Pupsipu0

    I'm assuming it's mostly engineers that are the target audience for this, how does it register with them? Seems like there is too much vague feel good stuff, too many buzzwords for them to take it seriously. I'm not taking it seriously.

    I expected a specific mention of Earth Day and the huge 50 million strong demonstration that got Nixon to establish the EPA. That's a specific example of a cultural movement getting something done.

    And I'm not sure what the overall message is, it says that we're not doing enough, we're running out of time and the world will end? That's poorly researched. The renewable industry is picking up steam, there is investment in new nuclear technologies, thorium, etc.. If technological progress keeps up at the current rate the doomsday predictions will be a joke in 25 years.

    The video dismisses all those billions invested, all the work being done by engineers as the little glass of water spilt at the fire? Those guys might not join your community.

    Looks nice though.

    • wtf? may i ask, are you dense?pizzafire
    • yea artsy fartsy feel good productions don't get through. Let's see if this starts some community, not holding my breath.Pupsipu
    • breath. Probably because there was already a huge movement in the 60's and the result is renewables.Pupsipu
    • alright, seems you're proebably not desnse:) does the EPA actually do much?pizzafire
    • The EPA made a huge difference early on, but Bush Jr. screwed it up to favor business.Pupsipu

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