Biolab Disaster

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • Boz0

    Btw ukit..

    "Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML5 specification, expects the specification to reach the Candidate Recommendation stage during 2012.[8] The criteria for the specification becoming a W3C Recommendation is “two 100% complete and fully interoperable implementations”.[8] In an interview with TechRepublic, Hickson guessed that this would occur in the year 2022 or later.[9] However, many parts of the specification are stable and may be implemented in products:"

    This means buddy that HTML5 will be fully realized with all the proposed features by 2022. We won't see any serious work done before 2012 because of the recommended candidate. So we are looking objectively between 5-10 years to have somewhat mature HTML5 platform.

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