supernatural phenomena

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • lukus_W0

    I think I've seen a ghost. I'm not really sure what it must have been in reality - but it was strange, and it was difficult to explain.

    While I was at Uni, one of the houses we lived in was on an old housing estate. It was pretty late at night, and winter. Our bunch of mates had various houses scattered over the estate, and we'd often find ourselves walking home late.

    The houses in each street were typically terraced, and each row of terraces had an alleyway running behind them, which was used to store rubbish for collection and provide a way to access the back yard associated with each property.

    Each alley-way had an entrance just before each row of terraces began, and there was another entrance(/exit) at the opposite end of each row. This obviously meant that as you walked down each street you'd typically pass by these alleyway entrances as you progressed onwards to your destination.

    I remember walking back this particular night, spending the majority of the journey chatting to my house-mate .. absent-mindedly rambling.

    We were making good time - I remember becoming slightly distracted as we reached the top of our street. While we were chatting away, I could hear a faint, rasping, ticking sound.. ticc-tic-ticc-ticc-tic-ticc-ticc .. fast paced. At first I ignored it, and tried to carry on the conversation. We were both walking side-by-side in unison and had just hit the first stretch of curb before top entrance to the alleyway running behind our terrace.

    Now - I'm not sure if after all this build up what I'm about to tell you will sound as weird as it seemed at the time. But I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it to this day.

    As we both crossed the alleyway entrance, the source of the ticking became totally apparent. Without acknowledging the sound - mid way through a sentence we both looked left .. it was almost like time stood still for few seconds. We both looks at each other, let out an involved 'fuck!' and ran - and continued running until we got home.

    The ticking noise had been coming from a figure in dark draped clothing on a large adult sized tricycle, head-down, cycling slowly towards us. Totally random and completely out of place for 1998. It seriously looked like something out of the Victorian era.

    We were terrified. Gives me the heebie jeebies thinking about it now.

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