Is WordPress Killing Web Design?

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • acescence0

    if you think wordpress is limited as a CMS, then I'll guess you haven't delved into custom post types, adding custom meta fields and modifying the admin interface, custom queries, or the whole hook and filter system and writing plugins. it wasn't designed to be everything to everyone but to be easily extensible, that's the whole point. if you don't know php and take the time to learn the system, then yeah, you're probably thinking it's just for blogs and can't do much. I used to write my cms mostly from scratch, starting with the same database access layer and a template system like smarty. wp for me is just taking that process to the next level, with more of the plumbing done for me and a community of code to draw from.

    • wp cant be a system were a user logs in checks his own profile etc..spraycanII
    • wrong again champ.acescence
    • i've built it myself. also, see buddypress for something that can do it out of the boxacescence
    • what the point in using wp for that? if doing it form scatch is easier and more professionalspraycanII
    • im visiting this buddypress site, look at the login:…
      what a complete shit
    • you love too much wp man thre's something wrong here manspraycanII
    • the point is it's not easier doing it from scratch.acescence
    • and some random login looking bad has to do with what now?acescence
    • yes man im sure it is easier well it depends on personal knowledge BUT my point is you're making your own codespraycanII
    • you have 100% control over it.spraycanII
    • hey! the pagin system is badass…
    • yes, it's a tradeoff. in the end it's whatever works for the client and their budget.acescence
    • and those are just default templates, admittedly ugly, but it's the back-end stuff that matters to me.acescence
    • badass man it has a php fallbackspraycanII

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