Is WordPress Killing Web Design?

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • lukus_W0

    It's not true .. these CMSs provide a framework - if a designer's / developer's ideas are stagnant it's not the tools that are at fault.

    It seems that most of us have been brought up with a slightly puritanical work ethic, which has the effect of telling us that unless a great deal of work has been expunged from our souls at all stages of the process, we don't deserve credit.

    I don't believe this is entirely fair.

    Web development is becoming exponentially more complex, rich and the possibilities are growing pretty much every day. There is no merit in reinventing the wheel - and there is much to be said for pooling resources with others. Open-source CMSs tackle both of these ideas head on.

    I strongly believe that the biggest challenge to innovation is us - and our own blinkered minds .. and that maybe this is discussion is basically an extension of the idiom involving 'workmen blaming tools'.

    Most CMSs can do practically _anything_ if you learn how to use them properly.

    I don't think it's surprising that people are regurgitating very similar sites - think about any other medium and you'll be able to track how similar patterns developed and crystallised in other industries. TV, film and print all involve established conventions - and the last majority of practitioners following close to the rules.

    The difference with the web is that the conventions are evolving far faster - and the exciting part to this, is that those conventions can be influenced by regular designers and developers.

    We are the problem .. if we start to think more laterally about the problems we face when publishing on the web, we might be able to be the solution too.

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