Weight Gainerzzz

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    To gain weight, start eating _normal portions_ (and by normal, I mean what everyone else eats outside of North America, not those fucking ginormous super-sized things) six times a day, and eliminate as much refined sugar and processed foods as possible, and eat your fucking veg and pulses.

    You need to build lean muscle mass, not gain weight, per se.

    Next, if you're not lactose intolerant, use the GOMAD method. This means, 'one Gallon Of Milk A Day'. And not just any milk, either. Full-fat/homogenised milk. It's loaded with protein and vitamins, and your body will store the fat it NEEDS, and you'll shit the rest out. This will give you healthy mass faster than anything, although you could also supplement with a protein powder once a day with your milk regimen.

    _This is all provided you also exercise._ Otherwise, you'll go fat, and that's all there is to it.

    For protein-rich foods*, look to:

    - Eggs
    - Lean red meat
    - Poultry
    - Tuna
    - Cheese (NO processed cheese of any kind. None. Zero.)

    *Don't bother with pork. It's far too fatty. Also avoid cured/smoked products such as sausages, bacon, corned beef, cold cuts and so on. They're useless.

    Since you say you've got more fat than muscle, avoid unnecessary carbs (sugar, pasta, rice).

    Any three time per week regimen that emphasises compound movements with free weights to build core strength - especially deadlifts and squats - will have you beefed up.

    However, all of this requires tremendous commitment on your part, and if you're not committed, you won't see results.

    That said, 60 days is utterly unrealistic, unless you're juicing. Any natural builder will tell you that you won't _start_ to see appreciable results for at least three months.

    In any case, I suggest you look here for training regimen, technique and nutrition: http://stronglifts.com/

    Good luck.

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