Google sells out

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • DrBombay0

    Here is a bit more on what acescence is talking about.…

    Also, with google's advertising reach spanning the entire internet, what advantage would they have by having one internet property being faster than anything else?

    • They could make it impossible for a competitor to sprout up to something like YouTubeukit
    • I don't think this is what this is about.DrBombay
    • No, that's exactly what people are concerned about with this. The big corps pay for delivering their content faster, leading to a technological advantage.ukit
    • end of level playing field on the web.ukit
    • No, I understand it but I don't see it being in google's interest to make agreements like this.DrBombay
    • The more people use the internet, the more money google makes. stifling it isn't aligned with that.DrBombay
    • Google has a "whole internet" strategy. Stifling certain elements doesn't make much sense.DrBombay
    • It's a fair point. Although there's no doubt other companies would be strongly in favor of such a thing.ukit

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