Wave goodbye

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • PIZZA0

    Sums up whats wrong with Google perfectly, it's a company ran by borderline asperges nerds and they'll launch whatever project they find interesting at the moment in a "beta" state with little consideration if it's actually genuinely of use to people and think any problems can just be fixed later somehow.

    Just look at Buzz, rushed out of the door in a day to every user of Gmail with little consideration for their users. Just because some mouth breather at Google fancied making a Twitter clone that month.

    "Google executive Sergey Brin said that by offering social communications, Buzz would help bridge the gap between work and leisure"

    I'm sure that sounds great for all the nerds on the Google "campus" because their work is their life and they barely leave the compound, however I doubt anyone else wants to have their work life smashed straight into their home life using their email address book to make those connections.

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