Gradient Banding

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • PIZZA0

    "Does 32 bit RGB color mode reduce that effect"
    Nope, dither it or make it using something with a better gradient algorithm. You might just have to use higher values,if it's web graphics lots of people are trying to do very dark black gradients these days and there just isn't enough greys to get a smooth gradient without dither.

    "wait... what's the diff between 8, 16, and 32-bit color schemes in PS?"
    when working in higher bits your colour doesn't lose information when it's blown out.
    So in 32bit if you up the exposure and totally white out an image the data won't just be all 255,255,255 it will be decimals, so you could then add another adjustment later and bring the image back down to visible levels again. Only really something to worry about for 3D artists or photographers, not really relevant for web graphics.

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