Out of context: Reply #6

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  • whereRI0

    this thread isnt going anywhere serious, but in my opinion-

    if a nation/race/humanoid etc etc had the technology to create those machines and travel at or faster than the speed of light, they would be super intellengent. with superior power and intellect, why would they bother hiding and abducting people in secret. if they were violent, theyd take over no probs and being so far advanced i dont think they would be violent. so wouldnt they just come out and be like like, 'hi, we come in peace' etc etc.

    if the theory is its us travelling back in time, that doesnt hold up for me either. why would that be a secret, there would be time travelers all over the place and written into history, and i dont mean some cave painting by some bushman or something i mean like hard facts etc...

    • ^dbloc
    • you make a lot of assumptions. maybe they are just massively indecisive and hover around unable to decide whether to landukit
    • landukit
    • Maybe they are just testing to see if humans are worthy of their time. Read Arthur C Clarke. The Sentinel.robot52
    • Maybe we're like lab mice. We don't explain to mice why we test on them. We do it and just monitor results.ETM
    • maybe they have xray vision and r just filming gay porn to take back to their planetduhsign

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