best php cms for non-profits?

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  • vaxorcist0

    I was IT director of a nonprofit years ago, and we had situations like this....

    Controlling client expectations is a huge thing here... also make sure only one or two people on client side can make decisions, otherwise waaaaaay too many cooks in the kitchen...

    Option 1: talk to people, get some idea, then pitch a solution based on joomla or wordpress.... tweek a bit, but control expectations and make it clear that some things client thinks are "minor" changes may require a whole change of strategy, not just a tweek

    Option 2: go mega custom based on EE, consider hiring EE consultants, bill by the hour, and make sure the endgame is clearly defined....

    Make sure you know if there's a deadline due to an event. Be prepared to cut features at the last minute in order to get reliability.

    Make it clear to client that reliability may be decreased by last minute new features....

    Be prepared for an "aristocratic attitude" from some nonprofit staff... they may treat you like a partner or "hired help" depending on how some things look to them.....

    Note that Joomla may actually do well for this, but had some bad PR in 2004 when Joe Lieberman's badly setup campaign server crashed... system admins may mention this in a meeting, some nonprofit tech people do things like this to discredit projects in front of decision makers, so be careful and make sure they're on your side if you can....

    • don't mean to sound bitter, but just beware of these possibilities....vaxorcist
    • nonprofits may have a very different way of making decisions, may have more people to keep happy...vaxorcist

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