define "finished" ....

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • vaxorcist0


    I do think that projects that could have a clear list of projected milestones and deliverables did work out well.... especially as the client would have confidence in those cases, and therefore second-guess random little things less....

    When projects either needed an exploratory phase in order to define clear milestones, but that phase was cut short due to client feeling like we were "wasting our time" then this was a red flag we missed.....

    the expectations difference is something so rarely spelled out, that may be a big key....

    now actually doing these things requires the guts and panache to risk worrying client just a bit early in the project in order to avoid bigger mess later...

    In the past, I think I've had issues with just feeling messed with...and it's hard to make one project not pollute your mind on annother....

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