
Out of context: Reply #25

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  • johnnnnyh0

    "Client wants a "ballpark figure" so he/she can get approval, get the suits to say yes,etc... but often this gets written in stone, as a "maximum" while the actual job description starts out as a "minimum" and expands a lot, often a whole lot, with the "ballpark figure" being considered a ceiling, not a floor, no matter how many things get added in" - this is exactly it!!

    I try to give a quick price to be helpful and get a project moving but it inevitably comes back to bite me in the backside.

    Boobs, you're right. I'm going to say no to over the phone prices. You'd think after over 10 years in business I would have learnt!

    What I have found now, with a tighter economy that there's less flexibility in pricing all round. Clients want to pay less, my overheads are increasing and it's therefore much harder to throw in all the value added when you've been beaten so low on price that it barely covers your salary.

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