A Better Tomorrow Book

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  • gramme0

    Guys, I say we try it. At the risk of sounding like an advertiser (I have nothing to do with Kickstarter, in fact I only recently heard of it from fellow QBNer identity), there's little risk involved. You post a project on the Kickstarter site for free. We simply calculate what the expenses will be. That's the fundraising goal. Could be promoted via our facebook pages, blogs, studio websites, whatever. If we meet the fundraising goal, all costs/fees are covered, and work on the book starts up again. If we don't make the goal, no money changes hands, and no work is done.

    It would be super easy to take the work that's already been done and use images of the cover and spreads to promote the project on Kickstarter, even if things end up being updated later on. I know for myself, I'd love to take a crack at updating my own spreads. I think for whomever makes the cut in the book, it would be good for everyone to have the opportunity to be able to update their info and spreads.

    Mike, Rene, whomever else was involved could even end up being compensated, that is if they want. The fundraising goal can be anything within reason, and there isn't a 100% cap. I'd be willing to take this on if someone wants to pass all the files my way. I assume it's already been fairly well curated for quality.

    I have no idea how the warehousing and sales aspects would be handled, though. I guess it depends largely on how many books are printed. I don't think I could tackle the sales/fulfillment efforts alone.

    • I will donate very, very generously to make this happen. Email me, gramme.monospaced
    • i'd kick in a little $$ too.bigtrickagain
    • i'll deffo donate.jaylarson
    • You've got mail, monogramme
    • Got it. I will respond later today/tomorrow and we can talk. I think this can be done.monospaced

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