Making Music

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • Meeklo0

    @ bore2death

    I'm all for reason, but like acescence mentioned, is not that much different than logic (or cubase which is still used by A LOT of people).

    The reason I mentioned Ableon Live, is because from the point of user interface (I personally think at least) will allow you to produce sounds just by dragging and dropping samples, and hitting the space bar to play, and it you will feel at home if you ever used a video editor.

    On reason, you need to be familiar with hardware machines and how to wire them to the mixer, (just hit tab on the keyboard while showing it to someone that never made music before).

    While I still feel there is no right or wrong answer in terms of software, I do feel you are being a total dick, calling everyone that does not agree with you "idiots". Your lack of respect to everyone on this site only makes you sound like you know little or nothing about music production.

    my 2 cents.

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