Cops Raid Gizmodo

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • gabe0

    something similar happened when my fiance and i were on vacation in the dominican republic. we were on an ATV cruise with a group of other tourists (a handful american, a few europeans, a large group from germany, and lots of folks from spain and australia). there are about five or six stops along the way—the beach, a lagoon, mud trails—you get the idea. at each stop, there are tons of locals (both children and adults) trying to sell little knick-knacks, fruits, hand made jewelry, etc.

    as you approach each stop, you park single file behind the ATV in front of you so that you create one long line with about 30 other ATVs. as we get ready to leave the second stop, a woman and a man appear to be having some words with our tour guide, although most of the other tourists aren't really paying much attention. not sure what's going on, i decide to see what the hold up us.

    as i start to approach the beginning of the line, i notice that it's becoming something much more than a minor confrontation...there's a furious couple screaming bloody murder at our tour guide (who from the beginning—despite his terribly broken english—i thought seemed like a pretty nice fellow).

    the woman is an american, maybe 5'5", about 250lbs; her husband was very similarly proportioned. the woman and husband are screaming fuck this and fuck that, and fuck you, and things like "we're americans!#$ you should be so lucky we come here@#% we're the reason you have an economy...we're going to get you fired, we're going to tell everyone about fucking horrible this ATV trip is!"

    it was at this point, after about 2 minutes of listening to this vile woman completely belittle and berate our tour guide—and feeling oddly guilty for being an american—that i decided to intervene. frustrated and curious, i ask what the group what the problem is. the couple turns to me and shouts—as if seeking my approval to justify their anger—"someone stole our sandals. our FUCKING sandals! can you believe it? they were nikes! they were $40!"

    the story continues, but suffice it to say that i had many very, very angry words with this couple, which led to the end of the altercation altogether. we continued our ATV tour—only to be completely covered in mud 5 minutes later, grinning from ear to ear.

    i guess the point of my story is this: it's a big, bad, often unforgiving world. if you forgetfully leave something that is easily stolen—especially in a second world country—don't expect it to be there when you come back. if you do make this mistake and someone does take what you so carelessly left behind, please don't go crying to the police about something so petty as your precious little sandals.

    some poor little kid may have gotten the best pair of shoes he'll ever own. maybe he'll even sell them...but in the end, who really gives a shit about the fucking sandals?

    • Sorry - don't get your point here.DoktorDavid
    • Meaning: I don't see the parallel...DoktorDavid
    • meaning. if you leave shit lying about, it's gunna get stolen. then dont go crying when it does.Stugoo
    • So it get stolen and then gets used without your permission and then that use...DoktorDavid
    • ...allows you to bust the person who stole it don't call the police? Huh?DoktorDavid

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