Cops Raid Gizmodo

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • mg330

    I have wasted far too much time in the interest of this story, reading blog comments, etc. because frankly it's a fascinating story.

    But after digesting various viewpoints on the topic, the blame lies squarely on Gizmodo for being in the spot they're now in. They're not stupid. Jason Chen is not stupid. Posting the teardown of the phone to the blog, in my opinion, is the one place where they really went wrong.

    Buying the phone - I get that. Taking it apart - I get that too. But the second they realized this was a near-final-production 4G phone is when Chen should have said "Oh fuck..." and contacted a lawyer and gotten in touch with Apple. They could have turned the phone in, and it could have been his curiosity of whether or not it was a knockoff or the real deal that caused him to buy it and take it apart. Just think of the goodwill that may have come their way if they'd gone that route.

    Now, I know there's info out there about how Apple at first said that they hadn't lost a phone, but that's beside the point. As soon as Chen knew what he had, posting it to the blog was the very last thing he should have done. If anything, a post saying "we've seen the new iPhone, but that's all we're gonna say" would have been fine. THEN to perhaps post about it after the phone was debuted might have been a potential story.

    Hopefully, though, we will also see what happens to the person that sold it, and see if there's truth to their "I tried to return it" story.

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