OFFF Paris

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • raf0

    I went to one of these in Barcelona. The lectures were ok, unspoken message of most were something like "I have a PhD in programming these pointless patterns and get paid for showing them to you, isn't that awesome?".
    Outside the venue there were tens of people with laptops, focused hard on pretending they were doing something important glowing their Apple logos.
    I saw Joshua Davis' tattoo.
    Plenty of Newstoday'ers (pre-QBN for you noobs) were there, nobody was arsed to do a meetup.

    I must admit I was late, came there on the last day. Missed Scott Hansen's speech, he might have saved the day. I bought a Tycho CD and grabbed ISO50 cards instead.

    • so.. you're not going then?
    • of all the speakers, Scott Hansen saved the day?Douglas

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