Low Testosterone

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    First off kudos for the refreshing honesty dude, not like the classic, i get laid 20 times a day bs most forum males spout (im not saying that qbn is like that).

    First off as said, do some exercise.
    It compliments everything really. Its the first thing a doctor will say to someone if they have insomnia. are depressed, lacking self confidence...all sorts!

    It really helps everything. Your approaching 40, so some low impact exercise like swimming or cycling would be great, it will avoid any knee damage.

    And if you really want to try and raise your testosterone levels naturally, exercise will help, but specifically weight training will as it stimulates growth hormone production (as well as testosterone).

    The problem there is youre approaching 40 and weight training can be harsh on joints if done incorrectly.

    You could do weights but aim for high reps like 20 reps a set as that wont be so hard on your joints. Weights exercises could be the staple basics - Bench press, Pull ups (assisted ones, like feet on the floor, or a counter weight pulley machine, to go for 20reps), and Squats (body weight).

    You could then supplement the basics with loads of other weight exercises, curls, rows, kickbacks, tricep extensions, shoulder press etc etc

    Do exercise for a month and make a reassessment, if it isnt working then consider seeing a doctor for meds if thats what you think is next.

    Hope that made sense :/

    • QBN: the only place where you can have 2 'first off's

    • great advice well put. All this from a design forum. qbn wins again.mydo
    • hombre knows! he's a lobo! ;)sea_sea
    • lol sea sea! man indeed! :D

      thanks mydo, qbn ftw!
    • Hombre, He's approaching 40, not 70. His joints are probably fine with lifting. I do it regularly and I'm closer to 50.CyBrain

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