Google shows china balls.

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • e-pill0

    @ ukit.

    almost everything is censored, from news, to daily photos, to porn, to anime.. i was introduced to Newstoday when i was working in China, i remember the feeling of not knowing what was happening in the world.. well in Europe or America, as in China you would never know if they were wiped off the planet if it happened..

    so while working there, i needed to know what the hell was going on in the hood, so i email out to dopepope, to know what news was going on in the states, and he sends me

    i write him back asking what is "Newstoday"? and he says, "its teh News" at first i didnt know what it was.. just random cool links and random people..

    i remember my first day on Newstoday, there was a thread talking about strikes from QBN emails and i asked what it was and QBN sent me my first "Strike" on my first day and vena banned me..

    good times.. kinda what i guess will happen to google in china..

    banishment to altavista..

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