Vendetta against Jobs...

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • ideaist0

    To avoid redirection from almightly QBN:

    But today, using HTML5/Canvas for rich clients instead of Flash is no option either as it is not widely adopted by the browsers yet. You would end up in browser hell again. So what can you do as a Flash Developer to solve this situation in the next years? I think it depends on the type of project you are creating:

    If you create one of these F W A CPU burners: Don’t care at all, make it full Flash as always. Nobody could enjoy it on a mobile device anyway because of the smaller screen size. Wear your blue lego shirt with pride! ;)
    If you build a video/audio player, a slideshow or interactive charts: Use the Progressive Enhancement technique. Build a Canvas/JavaScript/CSS-based solution and implement a switch to replace it at runtime with a Flash version, if the browser doesn’t support the tags you’re using. Yes, that means extra work, but you can tell your client that he gets an “iPad version” for free! He will love it.
    If you develop games: Most Flash games can’t be simply ported to mobile devices, even if they run Flash Player. That’s because you have different input controls. You don’t have a keyboard on the iPhone for example (btw: HTML5 games like this one suffer from the same problem). So you have to decide which platform you want to build for anyway. Or try to design your game to work without a keyboard and mouse over gestures etc. In that case you can hopefully run it on Android with the upcoming 10.1. player and probably port it to the iPhone as a standalone app with the upcoming Flash CS5 exporter.
    If you develop a regular website: Try not to use Flash at all. Especially don’t use Flash only because you can. I did that a lot in the past and instantly regretted it when the Eee PC and the iPhone came out. If you have to integrate media content that can only be displayed on IE with Flash, use Progressive Enhancement. It’s the only way to ensure a good experience across all devices and browsers without creating a special version for each platform.

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