Reamed at work...

Out of context: Reply #63

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  • d_rek0


    I feel your pain... sometimes from either absurd timelines or client demands we are often not left with much time for exploration and/or research. Unfortunately where I work we are often allowed to do ample research... it's the exploration part that's missing. If your superiors don't understand that both are integral and important to the creative process - especially if they want to produce unique, custom visual artifacts - then they will in all likelyhood run into this problem again.

    What's even more alarming though is it sounds as if they value your talent in dollar signs. They no longer see the value in producing unique solutions for clients... i'm suprised they don't just have a big book of 'rejected' logos lying around for clients to shop from. Hell, why not build a web template library while they're at it? I understand the financial situation all too well... but even still, it can't hurt to begin shopping around for a better gig.

    Cheers and good luck Holmez.

    • Thanks D, I've already started the process of getting out. Took all my shit home with me last night...dMullins
    • Started the job hunt last night, and finished packing the rest of my shit this morning. This place = work only from now on.dMullins

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