2010 font and pallet

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • lukus_W0

    I can almost understand the point of deciding themes and colour schemes for fashion - because it (possibly) allows garments created during one season to work together more readily when worn together.

    Maybe this is less important for graphic design, because there aren't so many times when independently designed items need to be shown as one whole?

    However, I do think the idea of zeitgeist is attractive, because it involves thinking of large sections of society becoming more cohesive through a shared identity. If this is true, maybe the concept of trends and themes can be more than just a cynically-led marketing drive?

    I definitely think that being able to judge current themes independently is a pretty essential skill for a graphic designer to possess themselves.

    The idea of mechanically selecting 'what will be fashionable', and slotting those elements together, isn't a good idea in my opinion.

    • I've been doing primarily for packaging, but point well taken -SoulFly

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