belgian ad agencies on virtual strike

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • raf0

    It's all fun and games, but one day they'll get the government to introduce a law requiring to pay for pitches or making them illegal and this will be even worse.

    Why do clients call for pitches? Because it benefits them and they can.

    I am a customer. I want a free test drive from each dealership before I choose my car. If I have a couple of thousand to spend, I get a few minutes ride from each.
    My uncle, though, is a rich doctor. He spends lots on cars, both collectible and his everyday rides. Mercedes dealer calls him every time the top line is about to be updated (from E-class AMG up) to ask him if he wants to test it. If he says yes, he gets the car delivered at his door to test drive it for two weeks.

    It's the same thing. "I have a million to spend. I like those 5 agencies. Fight!"

    It's all about risk assessment. Agencies play the game, because the winnings are high.

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