Flash CS5

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  • Boz0

    lol Kev.. yeah I'm actually finishing one now.. converting an existing Flash app to the iphone format.

    Good resource for anyone who will get on this when Flash CS5 comes out:


    Some of the terrific things in Flash CS5 for iPhone are:

    - accelerometer events
    - geoposition (GPS) events
    - gesture and multi-touch events
    - cacheAsSurface method in order to take advantage of iPhone's Open GL ES hardware acceleration
    - sick physics engine
    - full GPU graphics acceleration and hardware h.264 acceleration
    - You can play any videos inside the iPhone app built with CS5 if they are OnV6 and Sorenson encoding. If they are not (like h.264) you will have to open iPhone's native video player.

    and a lots more but i can't talk about it because it's under NDA.

    • How come you have it if the site says they won't be releasing the Beta?SoulFly

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