Apple tablet launch

Out of context: Reply #163

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  • mg330

    I've been sitting here this afternoon thinking about how this could shape an evolution of print. It could very well create a new merged-style of web site and print piece that would really act differently from conventional web sites as far as articles/publications are concerned.

    For example, let's say GQ puts out a print article about an actor. We'll use Johnny Depp as an example. On a device like this, I could get the article in a nice format, with quite a few multimedia features - exclusive interviews, photo galleries, links to movie trailers discussed in the article.

    i realize that a magazine web site might often have that content, but it requires me to remember it from the magazine, go to the web, and find that content. With a device-based multimedia approach, it could all be in one place. Let's say the article also included a filmography for him, and, even better, let's say it was integrated with Netflix and all I had to do was click one of the listed movies and add it to my queue. I think that would be a pretty cool feature.

    I read a ton of magazines - GQ, Details, IDN, Print, Budget Travel, news magazines... I hate throwing most magazines away because I hate losing the information. I actually go through magazines that are at least a year old and clip important stuff - recipes, travel columns, interviews, book reviews, etc. and I've got them filed in a file box within file folders. Insane, I know, but a good system.

    So, let's say I could get these subscriptions digitally, with the benefits I mentioned. I think that would be something I would want, as long as it felt like a magazine layout and not like a web site. If I could bookmark items I wanted to remember, categorize them and keep them around, that would be awesome. Even better would be the ability to transfer the content back to a computer and store it there if needed.

    Anyhow, this is the first time I've really just sat and thought about what they might be trying to do here. It would not mark the end of print, it would mark a nice evolution for it that the web doesn't provide. It would put more people to work, shift focus of journalism to truly encompass a multimedia approach to it, again, in a way the web doesn't in my opinion.

    • and nobody better call me gay either.mg33
    • ga... nevermind - good insights.identity
    • you work for Apple, don't you?monospaced
    • i don't understand how this is different from you just looking at a website and printing articles you likescarabin
    • ummm...yeah scarabin...thanks for making the obvious, well, obvioustwokids
    • mac print designers...not in touch with realitytwokids

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