Apple, iPhone and Flash

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • flashbender0

    From reading a few articles on this it does sound like there is a technical reason as well - flash and the mac processors don't like each other a lot. There's two things that make my MBP's fans kick on - filtering big ass files in photoshop and flash movies.

    Supporting flash would not only bog down the iphone processor but it would kill the battery life as well.

    That's not to say that there could be a solution out there.

    oh, look, airey said pretty much the same thing. ^^

    • the real problem is control over $$ from apps, no technical reason that' can't be taken care ofMeeklo
    • Mark, seriously, wtf?
      It's not the hardware, it's the implementation that is to blame. You're running x86/x64 just like PC users.
    • ...just like PC users.rounce
    • Oh, janne said it

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