The Road

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • lowimpakt0

    "we'd find out how quickly civilisation and civilised society would crumble. "

    i think that is misunderstanding what is happening in Haiti. Yes people were panicing in the short term because of the need for food and water but all across Haiti people were orgnaising themselves in their various camps.

    people were taking the role of first aiders/doctors, people were acting as security, people were taking the lead in preparing food for large groups of people.

    most people in rich countries forget how close they themselves are to chaos - i.e. if there was an immediate oil shortage how many days would it be before the supermarkets empty of food and how well equipped are most people in the UK/US to grow their own food?

    Lots of the chaos was on the side of the countries that came into help.

    • What I meant was, in a small area the chaos took over. On a large scale, with no prospect of help from other countries...shitehawke
    • ... and everyone trying to survive, the chaos would spread.shitehawke

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