Future design careers

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • rzrffglyr0

    The current hype around and usage of Wordpress alone is enough for me to believe that eventually India won't be the at the tailend of industry bitchin'.

    Everyone saying the low rates from India, or students and hobbyists, that cheapen our profession, will take a backseat to free tools that allow the layman to create web experiences that are "good enough". Maybe even more than good enough compared to the extremely basic "brochure sites".

    So I agree, if you don't evolve with the times you'll be left behind. Being able to design a website professionally still trumps over Wordpress templates, but to be honest, you're fighting against the times if that's all you do. The digital world, as has been mentioned, is now expanding to mobile, augmented reality, 3D more than ever, and user experience design with all the new tools coming out. Learn to design for these new mediums and in an intelligent way.

    Minority report here we come, indeeeeeeed.

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