
Out of context: Reply #34

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  • mg330

    One of my friends got a horrible ingrown toenail in high school from skateboarding. I'd had a couple from playing football that required light surgery to clear out the infected part, and slice up the nail so it would grow straight again. Truly fascinating stuff watching the doctor just grind away at my toe with tools and dig out grossness. Took 14 shots to numb my big toe. We all hit an age where pus is cool... the two I had came along right at that age.

    Anyhow, my friend had it really bad but never told me until one day he had his shoes off in the house and I noticed blood in his sock. He just goes, "dude, I don't want to show you this but I'm gonna anyways." Takes his sock off, and Oh My God... his big toe was FUCKED UP. The outside part around the nail looked like chewed up salami. It looked so absolutely painful I couldn't even believe he'd been skateboarding on it for weeks. I have no idea what took him so long to go to the doctor, but it was months before he did so. I remember him showing it to me again, maybe a year later or something and it was still sick. How he never lost his toe I'll never know. I shudder to even remember any of this.

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