Kate Moss

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • airey0

    janne, with all due respect, if you were so enlightened as to be above such trivial absurdities as celebrity you wouldn't need to grandstand here. a agree with you in many points but we have always hero-worshipped and will probably always do so. presently we worship the vacuous. broadly speaking.

    yes, you are right in many ways but to seem so angry about it makes you come off like the homophobe that goes out weekend to beat up poofs, only to come out of the closet 2 years later.

    just saying, if you were so above it you wouldn't even bother with this thread as it would be simple fluff and inconsequential. just saying.

    my 2 cents, i'm probably wrong.

    and for the record, i don't shortchange (or shortminded - whatever that is) myself but what i definitely don't do is believe i'm somehow greater than the masses. i am all too aware of my own failings and mistakes to think that i'm not just as clueless at times as anyone else. it's why i love good satire as it tells the story from within the fold rather than without.

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