this web design mess...

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • raf0

    It used to be so simple before standard nazis enforced "semantic" CSS, which was supposed to streamline and structure things. It was conceived by programmers, not designers, hence it is often anti-intuitive and makes no sense.

    But when you look at it, it all makes perfect sense. Building websites is no rocket surgery and anyone could do it. Now, that it it is complicated enough for normal people to go "eh, fuck it" after a few hours of struggling with code, we can be well paid experts.

    • like the phrase 'rocket surgery' gotta start using thatBaskerviIle
    • I have this feeling 'rocket surgery' is going to be big..ribit
    • I'm a doctor Jim, not an engineer.CyBrain
    • A downside of lacking native fluency in a language is never really knowing if you're being mocked.. or upside?raf

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