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Out of context: Reply #9

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    personally i would die cut letter press something, but then again i treat money like water so...

    i have the one here from Avi Arad's daughter's wedding and it uses an amazingly simple lightly serifed all caps drafting style type for the info and a thick/thin handwritten script for the names and state on an approx. 8.5"*5.5" rough edge off white stock. it is both feminine in presentation and masculine in weight/feel as you can see the letters printed in black, slightly pushed through the back and the stock stays rigid in your hand.

    you seem to be over complicating things with the type and colors all over the place. I understanding wanting to stray from tradition, but the things you have linked seem dated already and i feel you would want anything that is representing the wedding to represent the ideals of the wedding/union. and have that longstanding quality to it.

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